Hand-held Precision Muscle Tester Technology
The standard muscle strength dynamometer for your clinic.
Worldwide there are 84 different chronical muscle disorders and a wide range of muscle diagnoses requiring treatment therapies. The Mustec HD Dynamometer is an exceptionally accurate measuring device providing quantifiable measurements to diagnose, analyze, prognosticate and treat neuromuscular and musculoskeletal disorders. The device measures a patient’s maximum muscle force, as well as the time period for which that force is maintained.
Mustec HD provides a boost in clinical best practices because therapists can deliver more accurate and efficient treatment with evidence-based knowledge.

On a daily basis, every physical therapist interprets their patient’s muscular strength, whether consciously or subconsciously. Because there are many disorders that affect muscle strength, being able to quantify the strength of a muscle or muscle group is essential. Muscle strength is a major determining factor in movement, and having accurate measurements are therefore crucial to gaining insight into both the progression of a condition as well determining the success of treatment therapies. The Mustec HD muscle dynamometer is the objective provider of methodical data. It delivers important patient data, informing the practitioner on consultations, as well as other parties interested in following the empirical development of a patient’s strength.
Mustec HD Muscle Strength Dynamometer
In addition to effectively performing accurate measurements, the wireless electronic device is extremely handy, ergonomic and lightweight. A therapist can simply carry it by hand to different work spaces. This innovative device accurately records and displays the maximum force and time (in seconds) exerted on a transducer. Forces are measured from a range of 0.1 pounds to 300 pounds, and can be displayed in pounds (Lbs), kilos (Kg) and newtons (N) in increments of 0.1 units of measurement.
The Mustec HD includes three attachments: Two ergonomically shaped accessories to guarantee pain-free skin contact, and one pain point attachment. The pain point attachment measures pain, which is typically a subjective experience, unless measured and quantified by the Mustec HD.
The Mustec HD is designed specifically as a stand-alone device. However, supplementary information can be stored on a patient’s digital file in real time via a Bluetooth 4.0 wireless connection. See the Mustec HD Software chapter for more information.
Users assess skeletal muscle functions through isometric muscle strength measurements. User specialties listed below are in random order and include but are not limited to:
- Physiotherapy for children, adults and geriatrics
- Rehabilitation therapy
- Sports (e.g., monitoring progress in the treatment of injuries)
- Orthopedics
- Chiropractic
- Exercise Physiology
- Pulmonology (e.g., measuring muscle function in COPD)
- Rheumatology (e.g., measuring the consequences and development of rheumatism on joints)
- Movement science
- Occupational therapy
Mustec HD Competency:
The general objective of implementing the Mustec HD is to integrate, strengthen and enhance clinical and academic expertise in the field of physical medicine. Mustec HD utilization adds credible value for various purposes:
- Clinical: Implementation of findings in clinical care
- Research: Stimulating clinical research
- Education: Involving data in clinical education
- Policy: Requiring evidence-based treatments